What if Every Problem You Have Boils Down to...

Note: I will be posting a lot more regularly but only emailing out on Wednesdays for the foreseeable future. Check back to the website to see what's happening on the other days!

I recently came to the realization that every problem we have boils down to the same root cause.

We won’t let go of the bad things in our lives

Whether that’s:

  • Bad habits
  • Bad people
  • Bad ideas
  • Bad theology
  • Bad opinions
  • Bad desires
  • Bad priorities
  • Bad perceptions
  • ...

Whatever our problems are, it always boils down to us refusing to release the clenched grasp we have on it. Because even when you realize something is bad (which can me it's own process for sure...), you still have to put forth the intentional effort often times to release it. To turn 180 degrees and walk away from it.

Thankfully God is patient and loving and He will not force you to release your grasp. He will wait till you choose to release it.


He will let you clench it until your last breath. He won’t take your choice away from you because He loves you too much to take away your freedom to choose.

He will work to help you see that you need to let it go.

Let it go