We Often Pray for Help, for Healing, for...

We often pray for help, for healing, for guidance, for change, and so many other things. But what if you prayed the prayer beyond that?

What if you prayed “Lord, don’t let me get in your way of changing me and my life. I give up my freedom to get in your way. Because I trust that your choices are better than mine. I trust your version of my tomorrow is better than mine.”

Sound like a weird prayer perhaps?

Sound wild perhaps?

But stop for a moment. Actually stop, breathe, and think about it.

How many times have you gotten in the way of the Lord, and afterwards you admitted to yourself:

  • He didn't direct me to do that...
  • I knew I shouldn't have done that...
  • I didn't listen to that nudge, that sign, that whisper from Him...
  • I did what I wanted at the time, but looking back...
  • I jumped, when I should have been still...

Maybe a new kind of prayer would help!?

Lord, don't let me get in your way on this