Three Things Can Be True At The Same Time

Three things can be true at the same time.
I can say:
- It’s wrong to sin.
- And I can say you should not sin.
- And I can say I understand you’re still going to sin.
Similarly you can say:
- I needed to make the mistake.
- I made the mistake.
- I am not ok making the mistake.
This is an area that many Christians gets all twisted up about. Sin. Some divisions of Christians even believe they no longer sin, once they accept Jesus. Which is quite possibly one of the most heinous things to believe because it's a rejection of Christ to say "I no longer sin". Because you are also saying "I no longer need The Lord."
But I digress... back to being a normal Christian. We all continue to make mistakes, sin against The Lord, etc. And there is a weird benefit to three things can be true at the same time. And that is the benefit of stopping!
The great benefit of stopping making a mistake / stopping yourself from that sin is that you get your future back! Sin and mistakes create ruin in your life. And with that stopping those things allows you to take back your future life from the very thing that was robbing you of it.
I am walking away from my mistake
I am walking away from my sin
Now I'll do something clever and circle back for the naysayers.
If you say "those three things can't be true at the same time!"
I ask you this, what do we tell children?
Do we tell children that we don’t want them to make mistakes. And also tell them it's not ok to make mistakes. And also that and you’re never going to make mistakes? No of course not. That's moronic to say that anyone, least of all a child will never make mistakes in their 80+ yeah life.
So we know:
- They will make mistakes.
- And we know we don't want them to.
- And we agree that it's not ok to mistakes.
There's those three things being true... Gotcha!