Though I Fall, I Get Back Up

Though I Fall, I Get Back Up

It's been a bit since I posted. I have been processing a lot of things that have happened in my life.  And I continue to do so :) I don't give up.

It's time I stopped letting things keep me down, hold me back, keep me in a place where I am not doing what the Lord purposed for me. Everything under heaven has a season. A season for good, a season for bad. A season of mourning, and a season of dancing.

So here I am, as well as on social media again.

Time to make some comics! The above is a more gritty painting style I am now working on. Rather than the more pure line art style I was trying previously. I keep trying things and failing. But the person I respect most in the world taught me a life lesson.

"Sometimes you have to make the mistakes, in order to grow.".

Social Media

Twitter: God Plays Chess Backwards


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