The Road Ahead

Sometimes the Lord has you on the road and there’s only two ways to go. Generally speaking.
One is for the Lord to give you mercy. Where you don’t have to deal with the pain or those past mistake mistakes anymore.
Or the other way to go is growth.
- Growth is when you have to face what you’re afraid of.
- Growth is where you have to embrace what you don’t want to embrace.
- Growth is forgiving what you don’t want to forgive.
Now when you think about it that way, it makes sense to pray for the path of mercy for sure. That’s a very human prayer a very reasonable prayer. A very normal prayer!
But more often than that, we need to grow, which means you won’t be able to avoid whatever it is. And because The Lord is a loving father, he will put you on the path of growth. Where you have to face what you have chosen. Face what was chosen for you. Face what you allowed. Face what you ignored. Face what you have done.
But in the end. If you have it. Instead of running from it. Instead of whining and having a pity party. You will find growth, which you know deep down is actually the end of your pain.
Growth is where the pain ends