Life The Difference Between Grace And Legalism If you know I am still messing up, how can you answer my prayers?
Life I Improved Here, But I Faltered Over There Something that dawned on me this past week. I work hard to improve something about myself.... But through all that a different part of my life starts to unravel. Why is that?
Life Forgiving Your Past Self Forget About The Cart And The Horse! Everything you've heard about "you're putting the cart before the horse" was a lie! Well at least in terms of forgiving yourself... Well maybe, depending on what you've heard. You could have heard the healthy
Life Trying Is Not The Same As Doing It's a messy process trying to change ones life and life perspective that's for sure! On the one hand my character trait of not giving up has saved my posterior-end from defeat. But on the other hand my laziness and lack of self start motivation has not yet been overcome.
Life The Unexpected Benefits Sadly 30 seconds was all I could manage at the beginning. But I am cutting myself some slack since I am a 40+ year old gamer / computer guy who never played sports or anything. So yeah, I started "working out" with a tiny 30 freakin' seconds a day.
Life Perhaps It's Because It Is Easier To Move A Mountain... The Lord says that if you have faith, you can tell a mountain to pick up and move and it will. Of course we all struggle with that. Because, well, obvious reasons! The mountains aren't moving when I yell at them! Are they moving for you?
Life Revisiting Old Lessons I lost sight of all the things I had learned and resumed the struggle of "what is best" versus "what works best for me". So back down that learning road I had to go because once again I was spending so much time worrying about what is best or ideal that I often got lost and made the wrong decisions.
Life Change What You Care About Of course we all thing about the things we care about. But do you stop and think about how much you think about it? Or perhaps question yourself (yes that's a healthy thing!) whether...
Life In-between Don't and Didn't The season I am in you ask? It's the season between Don't and Didn't. Up until recently it was truth for me to say "I don't do what The Lord has called me to do.".
Life Seasons and Growth I have certainly had seasons of growth that were active and powerful. Buzzing with activity, emotions and change. But more recently I have had
Life Freedom and Independence It's easy to succumb to the shouting heads, despite they're only a fraction of a fraction of the population of our great country...
Life Assuming Shared Definitions I mean we all talk together using many of the same words, but you might be surprised to learn that they don't mean the same thing you do all the time.
Life Focusing on Your Roadblock It's ridiculous that I hit a motivation speed bump and then promptly sat and pondered the existence of the slow down.
Life Life is Complicated Because all those details are people, people of value, people with thoughts and feelings. People that are not you...
Life Social Pressure The tiny population of adult bullies of the world are trying to pressure the rest of us into silence. They hate our faith, our ideas, our freedom, our rights and want us to surrender them.
Life We're All Only 3 Bad Decisions Away Sometimes we even take the time to say to ourselves "how did I get here?". Or "Why did I let myself get this far?". And often enough there is a clear point where we crossed the line and that was when everything went south for us.
Life He Doesn't Need Me, But... I had turned my radio on just as the lyrics of the Tenth Avenue North song "I Give You Control" came to
Life Changing Decades of Behavior The struggle is real. Trying to change gears and overcome a lifetime of trying to blend in. A lifetime of avoiding success. A lifetime of day dreaming without apply effort to achieve. You'd think with all the passion and purpose welling up that it would be easier to
Life Choosing What to Follow As I continue on a journey of trying to both get focused and organized I am learning some odd lessons. > What an I following? Meaning, what am I spending time reading or listening to? How does it relates to my goals and achieving them? Am I following 30 news
Life Wildly Independent, But Lost Somewhere along the years the oddest thing happened. I lost sight of myself. My whole life I've been wildly independent, rebellious, and contentious with authority. It's weird being rebellious and independent but hyper conscious of what everyone else sees you doing. It's a contradiction
Life Entertainment vs. Life As a recovering video game addict this concept has become a regular part of my thoughts. Am I entertaining my life away? Am I entertaining myself away from happiness? Contentment? Fulfillment? Or worse? There's an old saying out there. "All evil needs is for good people to
Life Should You Really Expect Things to Change? I did it to myself... One realization I've had is that I spent many years of my life expecting life to change, even though I was doing absolutely nothing to change it. So here's a question. Are you 1000% happy with your life? Seriously. Are you
Life Not Much to Say Today, Except Practice Long day... it flew by even. This and that, work and life. But I managed to sit down and draw. Even if it was only for 5-10 minutes. I did it. I can see the minor improvements even with short daily intervals like these. And I am building emotional momentum.