Sometimes Running From The Lord Puts You Into A Storm

Have you been there? Life brings you to a decision, a crossroads. You can go "left" or you can go "right". There is clearly a choice to make.

To the left is normal for you. To the left is how you would normally choose. To the left is how you've always chosen. But there's darker skies over there. Faint rumbling in the clouds above far off in the distance. Familiar rumblings...

To the right is something different than you are used to. You feel a gentle almost whisper of a breeze guiding you to the right. There's open skies, but foreign skies to the right.

You go left

And then, inevitably you realize and old familiar feeling. The familiar feeling of a storm in your life, uncomfortable, stressful, anxious and now you have even more to worry about.

And welp... You chose this. You chose to just head down this road.

You knew, deep down at the beginning that the soft gentle breeze at your back guiding you to take a new road was The Lord being gentle but present. But then you did what you wanted.

And you ran into another storm

And that's when the complaining starts. Complaining to The Lord about the storm. The storm you willingly chose to walk into, despite that gentle nudge not to.

You know directed you earlier to avoid the storm.

You know you didn’t listen.

And you know that right now you’re just complaining.

Well... How much longer do you want to sit and complain? Another day? Another week? Another 3 years? Are you having fun complaining? Is it working well for you complaining?

Are you done yet?

If not, continue. It's worked out so well for you thus far.

On the other hand. If you are done complaining. Maybe it's time to circle back to the source of that gentle breeze. And have a conversation. Not a whiny complaining fest. But a conversation. And see which way you should head now.

But I warn you. You might just get another crossroads from that conversation.

Another chance to go left, that familiar road with the rumbling sounds off in the distance.

And a chance to go right, to doing things differently. To making different choices.

Which way will you chose, this time?

Disclaimer: The image at the top is not drawn by me. It is an AI generated image using Grok on