Praying Other People's Prayers Onto Yourself?

This might be a little trippy... just to warn you...
Have you ever thought about what other people are praying for you? Have you ever prayed their prayers... for you yourself?
Are others praying for you to quit smoking? Have you prayed their prayers on yourself, even if you don't want to quit?
Is someone out there praying that your heart be softened and less harsh?
Is someone praying for you to handle money better?
Is someone praying you become more sensitive to their feelings?
Is someone praying for you to become free of your porn cravings?
Is someone praying for you to stop being codependent?
Is someone praying for you to stop being a massive d___ to everyone?
Is someone praying for you to stop speeding? Stop stealing?
Stop and think. Seriously. What are other people praying for you? Why are they praying those things for you? Do they hate you, is that why they are praying those things for you? Or perhaps they genuinely love and care about you, and that is why they are praying those things for you?
Does the other person have good will towards you? Or not?
If they have genuine good will towards you then stop and think... perhaps they have a point? Perhaps they are right to be praying those things for you? And if that is the case... if they truly value and care about you, and they are right to be praying those things for you... Then maybe you should join their voice of love in your life and
pray with them, for yourself.