Life Most Valuable Skill in Life Day 22 drawing every day The ability to overcome yourself is probably the most important skill you can develop. It’s the ability to: * Say no to yourself * Admit you’re wrong * Fight anxiety and win, by not giving up * Fight depression and win, by not giving up * Get things
Life Stop Waiting to Understand the How Day 21 drawing every day You don’t need to understand the how or why some things work in order to gain the benefits of it. You don’t need to understand habits for them to work. You just need to do the 2 minutes every day. It’ll do
Life The Illusion of Control How often do we clamp down on something in our life, or remove something from our lives in order get a sensation of control? Often times we do it in one area because we’re out of control in another area of our life… but we’re too scared to
Life Stop Wanting Change, Be Change Day 18 drawing every day. Side note drawing hands and feet... rough. Anyways! Discipline comes from Habits. Habits come from taking one single tiny step repeatedly over time. Tiny steps are change. They are the opposite of melting into your couch and giving up. It’s wild to think how
Life Grit - Everyone Needs It, But What Is It? Day 17 Drawing every day. Grit is the refusal to stay laying down defeated. Grit is the refusal to “accept my fate”. Grit is the refusal to let bad things happen because it’s scary to stop it. Grit is the refusal to accept comfortably miserable. Grit has bite. It
Life It Won’t Always Be Hard As I continue to grow I realize that once you move through something big it becomes easier. It becomes normal. You become stronger, wiser, more able to process and handle things. And the struggles of yesterday become minor things today and tomorrow. Is it hard to stop yourself from buying
Life Hope & Ambition Combined When you combine hope and ambition you get a wonderfully intoxicating combination the warms your soul and lessens the weights off your shoulders. Allow yourself to hope. Allow yourself to be ambitious.
Life Ambition vs. Wanting I have to admit it. I spent almost my entire life to date wanting things. But just wanting something is just a hope and a dream. It’s not the same as ambition. Wanting is craving or needing something or something to happen but we’re sitting back and waiting
Life I Deceive Myself Whenever I’m anxious or nervous about something I need to do, or I’m about to do I always make it out to be this monstrous impossible thing. Or that the aftermath of it will be to hard to bare. But I deceive myself by not remembering how things
Life Some Days Are Better Than Others Day 10. I hate this drawing. lol. But progress is progress All that matters is that I don't give up, and just keep going no matter what.
Life The First Step is the Hardest So many times The Lord has nudged me in my life. And that first step is always the hardest or the scariest. And for some reason I always forget in that moment that all the steps after that hard scary one are so much easier. But then after I take
Life Rebranding! I am in the process of rebranding everything to: God Plays Chess Backwards Because that's how much he loves every single one of us. He plays chess backwards.