Life Nothing Special to Say Today Day 33 drawing every day. I am continuing to change my future. One drawing at a time!
Life Just Hanging With God Day 32 drawing every day. It feels good to make small progress every day towards the things The Lord has called me to. I don’t know the road ahead. And I don’t really understand how it’ll look or work out. But I trust Him. I trust Him
Life Reminder: God Plays Chess Backwards Day 31 drawing every day So often you will find that God does things in advance. He gives you something to think about before the situation comes up. He gives you something to say before you meet with the person. He positions people where you need them, before you need
Life Who’s Holding What Back? Day 30 drawing every day. How many chores, to do items, conversations so we need to have and we put them off, even though they would only take a few moments? We often make things feel like a bigger deal or a bigger undertaking than they really are. But if
Life Sometimes There Isn’t a Lot to Say Day 29 drawing every day Sometimes there isn’t a lot to say. Just to do.
Life Mindset Matters - Expanding or Shrinking? Do you have a “To Do” list? In your head or written down? Aside from all the To Do’ing. What’s your mindset on the list? Confused by the question? Let me elaborate. Is it your perspective that the list will always get bigger because there will always be
Life Why Aren’t You Addicted? Day 27 drawing every day. First I want to say all the “required” clarification crap, since so many people out there in the wild don’t stop to consider context or nuance. * Addiction is bad * You can become addicted to anything, not just substances * Seek professional help if you’re
Life What if Your Worst Oppressor is You? Day 26 drawing every day. With society focused on labeling every little awkward thing about themselves as an “condition”, disability, or mental illness there is talk all over about being victims and being oppressed by anything and everything. But what if the greatest thing oppressing you, is your own way
Life He Does Not Return or Search For Him Day 25 drawing every day. Reading Hosea 7 and this stood out. “Israel’s arrogance testifies against him, but despite all this he does not return to the Lord his God or search for him.” (NIV) He does not return or search for him… You could argue that’s a
Life Everyone Makes Mistakes Day 24 drawing every day No one, not even our most idolized people are without mistakes. And when I process that fully I often find myself more and more compassionate towards others. We’re all in this thing called life together. Mistakes aren’t the focus, but how we move
Life You Can’t Get Anywhere if You’re Not Going Anywhere Day 23 drawing every day If you’re melting into your couch you’ll never get anywhere. Just like driving a car to the store. If you never get in the car and drive, you’ll never get to the store. You gotta move. Also I am starting to post