Life I Guess I Should Start Making Comics Now Day 60 drawing every day. It’s about that time. All this habit formation has been for a purpose. I have ideas for comics. Just need to draw and write them. And now that I’ve built 60 days of new habit, it’s probably that time!
Life As Far as the East is From the West Day 59 drawing every day. What does “letting go” of something actually look like? Letting go of something is putting it as far away as the east is from the west. Notice it’s an unspecific amount of distance. Because it doesn’t matter what the literal distance is. All
Life It’s Not Generosity If It’s Easy Day 58 Drawing Every Day. Today I was reminded I need to up my generosity lifestyle. Tithing to my church is great. But I need to be saving money in my budget for being generous to people who need it. Adjusting the budget!
Life Sometimes the Answer is to Stop Wrestling Say 56 drawing everyday I’ve been learning a new life lesson lately. We all wrestle with things like emotions, addictions, depression, loneliness, security, ideas, current events, and more. And sometimes they aren’t huge things. Sometimes they are just relationships, deciding what to wear to something special, how to
Life Give Others What You Give Yourself Day 54 drawing every day. It’s funny how we can make mistakes. Sin. Whatever. And then move on the next day. We make changes. We work to improve or stop doing that. But yet bitterness is one of those things that keeps us from doing that same thing for
Life Habits Simplify Your Life! Day 53 drawing every day. Came to realization today about just how much habits actually simplify your life. It’s something that many people don’t think about or talk about. While yes, building new habits is actually you doing more stuff. The reality is the more you make that
Life Be a Good Man Day 51 drawing every day Today is Father’s Day. And for me it’s all about being a good man. A man’s words are not that important. His actions are everything. Bad men say good words. But good men have good actions. That’s how you start to
Sick and Tired of Sick and Tired Day 50 drawing every day. I’m trying to have a new take on current events. It’s not about parties or teams. It’s about ideas and concepts. Fight bad ideas. Don’t fight people. Because when you fight bad ideas, bad people naturally lose and good wins. Stand
Life Two Meals a Day Day 49 drawing every day Going down to 2 meals a day has been an amazing quality of life improvement for me. The morning fasting from wake up to lunch is really helping me balance my weight, my blood sugar, and so much more. And it ironically gives me more