Life Are We Guilty Of Losing Perspective? So perspective is personal. Which also means it's possible to lose it, since it's personal and unique to you... Now alongside perspective we all have struggles...
Life You Know It’s The Lord Speaking To You When You see your selfish will or things outside you, aren't going to direct you...
Life We All Get Lost Along The Way But seriously stop and think about it as you're sitting there right now. Do you consider your life a journey? Or perhaps it feels more like a log drifting down the river? Or worse yet perhaps it doesn't feel like anything, perhaps it just feels like nothing?
Life Letting Go... Is Harder Than Holding Tight Your heart and your mind are claws, gripping it tightly. Giving you excuse after excuse why you should not let go. Filling you with panic and anxiety...
Life God Has Made Me Forget All My Hardship This time the "forget" part got me. Because it reminded me that when you heal, you stop being anxious or hurt by the past. And you can even move forward...
Life Featured Narcissists Dissolve Your Ability to Feel Hope Most people don't know or understand the damage a narcissist can do to a person. Sure we hear stories and see stuff on social media about it. Even some 51 part TikTok stories. And those stories are important to get out and be heard. But most people don&
Life Featured The Story of Joseph. God Plays Chess Backwards. Think about it backwards, not forwards:
Life Spending All Your Time In The Past Do you find yourself stuck in the past? Perhaps you would say no to that question. But what if I asked in a different way... Do you find yourself stuck looking at old photo albums over and over, and you are filled with regret? Or perhaps looking through your closet
Life Nudges When god introduces something new to your thinking it can often be because he’s stopping your current thought line and deflecting you either towards his will, or away from something not good. For instance if you’re thinking about a new sofa. And he brings a vacation to your