
When god introduces something new to your thinking it can often be because he’s stopping your current thought line and deflecting you either towards his will, or away from something not good.
For instance if you’re thinking about a new sofa. And he brings a vacation to your conversations that seem to be oddly timed. It’s because maybe sofa isn’t right choice right now.
And to be clear that doesn't mean that the vacation is the thing to do. It's just the thought that stops you from steamrolling down further and further down the sofa road that matters. Because perhaps your car will break down in a week, and if you bought the sofa you would not have the money to fix your car. It wasn't about you going on the vacation, it was just to stop you for a week from spending the money on the sofa.
Or another example might be dating. Maybe you'll think about signing up for a dating app. But then a sermon comes up that makes you stop and think, "maybe I will wait on the dating apps for now".
Pay attention to those strange or oddly timed things that seem to whisper or slightly pull the threads of your ideas. They could be The Lord nudging you...