Letting Go... Is Harder Than Holding Tight

Letting go... is harder than holding tight

Now you might disagree with me. Biologically it's easier to let go and drop that cup out of your hands, than it is to hold onto it. Right?

But mentally... emotionally... and spiritually it's the opposite

Don't believe me?

How easy is it to break an addiction? Doesn't matter if that addiction is heroine or ice cream. Addictions are mental and emotional grips, that require extraordinary work to let go of.

You might be asking: "So what's your point Keith?"

Well my point is to validate to you that your struggles are in fact no easy. You are normal to struggle with letting go of something.

Perhaps it's a life change that needs to happen

Perhaps it's a belief system or group you need to let go of

Perhaps it's a toxic relationship that needs to fall into the rearview mirror

Perhaps it's an idea that needs to change, in order to be successful

Whatever it is. You gotta put in the effort. You gotta push, to let go.

Your heart and your mind are claws, gripping it tightly. Giving you excuse after excuse why you should not let go. Filling you with panic and anxiety every time you think about letting go. Questions of uncertainty flood your mind, of what life will be like without whatever you're grasping in your heart.

But it's time. Time to grow up. Time to look it in the eye. Time to say goodbye. Time to walk towards the sunny new horizon of a future without that thing being clutched close to your life.

Because I assure you. Life will be better when you finally relax your iron grip and watch it fall to the ground.

Note: Trying a new comic layout. That's what the image above is all about. Think I am going to try a 3 panel approach to give me more room to tell my stories.

The journey of God Plays Chess Backwards has been a long one. With many twists, turns, and changes. I am excited to see where it all finally lands!