Let's Take Them at Their Words

I watched a few of the press conferences today. And I am happy to see that some of the press corps had some stones. They actually challenged the misinformation the Press Secretary has been putting out over the last few weeks about illegal immigration...

Let's Take Them at Their Words

I watched a few of the press conferences today. And I am happy to see that some of the press corps had some stones. They actually challenged the misinformation the Press Secretary has been putting out over the last few weeks about illegal immigration...

One thing seemed to escape though...

The Press Secretary said that the previous administration messed things up. And that they are doing it right.

So now the truth comes out about the immigration camps. Children stacked by the hundreds in cells. Sexual assaults being reported within the camps. All this horrible stuff and living conditions.

So that's what is actually going on... And the Press Secretary has to know this. Else she wouldn't be spinning off and avoiding talking about the details every day.

So let's take her at her word.

The Trump administration slowed down the illegal immigration and the amount of people pushing into America to immigrate. And the Biden admin says that he messed up. So to them "messed things up" is when there is more order, better conditions, less illegal immigration...

And the Press Secretary says that the Biden administration is doing things right! And we find out that it's inhuman conditions, sexual assaults against minors in the camps, thousands of people crammed together during a pandemic (note but we Citizens cannot go to Church or eat in a restaurant...?). So near concentration camp conditions for Latinos is "doing things right!" according to the Biden Administration.

So to summarize the Press Secretary for Joe Biden
Illegal immigration being down = BAD
Latinos overflowing in cages = GOOD

Let that sink in...

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