Knock, And The Way Will Be Opened

For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. -- Matthew 7:8 ESV
Have you thought much on this verse before? Knock and the way will be opened.
What door is in your way that God could open?
Caveat: Now remember God cannot make a person fall in love with you, or something similar to that. That would be taking free will away from them.
So with that caveat aside. What door is closed to you right now? What path is closed to you right now? What opportunity is closed to you right now? Or what connection is closed to you right now?
God says that if you knock the way will be opened.
Now the important thing here is that The Lord says "it will be opened". That doesn't mean you "get what you want". It means God will open it for you.
You still need to walk through the doorway.
You still have to participate. You still have to engage. You still have to take that step forward in faith, after it's been opened to you. And you don't know how long it will be opened for you. He doesn't promise it will remain open forever. The world is an ever changing and evolving place. Filled with people moving around, people filled with thoughts and dreams, and feelings.
The challenge is sometimes less about the faith to knock, but instead the confidence to walk through the doorway that is now opened to you. The opportunity now made available to you. The connection primed for you to build with someone.
So, what is it you're afraid to knock on?