Just Because You Can Stay Doesn't Mean God Wants You To

This might seem like a silly topic honestly. But it was a pretty profound realization today for me.
I recently renewed my lease agreement for another bunch of months. And I naturally figured (read: assumed) that I would automatically be staying that long. That the new lease terms where what God wanted.
Now part of that was that I got an unexpected break on the rental rate for a slightly unusual lease period. Not a standard lease period. So I naturally figured (read: assumed) that it was exactly what God wanted for me to stay in this place. And well that might be true. However it's not necessarily true.
You see a simple fact had eluded me for a month.
God can change my course whenever He wants, for whatever reason He wants.
By that I mean I could pay to break the lease at any time. Heck I could even just walk away from it if God asked me to.
The realization is that just because He gave me this place for this set of time via a lease, that doesn't mean I will be staying that long! Perhaps the lease at the rate is what God plans to tide me over for a few months before moving into a house. Perhaps it's because the right next new place wasn't ready yet, but it will be in 4 months or 7 months, whatever.
Much like the story of Abraham and Isaac. God can and will change course whenever He feels like it. Just because you're on one course doesn't mean God intends you to fulfill that timeline or that course. It just means He wanted you on it up through today.
Tomorrow may well be the opposite of today.