It Won’t Always Be Hard

As I continue to grow I realize that once you move through something big it becomes easier. It becomes normal. You become stronger, wiser, more able to process and handle things. And the struggles of yesterday become minor things today and tomorrow.
Is it hard to stop yourself from buying ice cream at the store today? If you fight the fight you’ll come to a place where you honesty forget about ice cream when you’re shopping.
Is it hard to get up off the couch and do that yoga? If you fight the fight you’ll find yourself on the mat stretching and think to yourself “wait, I don’t even remember getting ready! I just did it!”
Are you afraid of something? If you fight the fight one day you’ll be stronger than the fear and it won’t control and hold you back from life anymore.
Be selfish.
Fight the fight today so that you no longer have to fight so hard the rest of your life.
Fight for freedom. Life is worth it. Period.