How to Spot a Radical?

For hundreds of years Americans agreed to disagree on topics. Always focused on making America better for everyone at the end of the day. But we don't always agree on the specifics.

However suddenly there are people screaming at each other. Despite all of us remembering the days just a few years ago where we all worked and played alongside each other despite our differences in political opinions.

You would go to work or school and around you were people who were on the other end of the political spectrum. And no one cared. Why? Because generally speaking the overwhelming majority of Americans are just like you. They want to enjoy life, eat food, pay their bills, have a home and a family and not be molested by the government.

Remember those days? Remember those people you worked with and spent time around that were different than you, but everything was just fine?

So if you find yourself hating the "other people" or calling the "other party" evil. You might have been duped into joining a radical ideology. You are the extremist. And sadly your conversion was probably from the "news" and "journalists" telling you that "everyone else" is on "this side, your side".

Reality is, as you walk through the grocery store... as you chat around the office... as you walk through the work site... everyone has different opinions than you. Some left leaning, some right leaning. But everyone gets along.

Consider this.

If you enjoy working / talking to a person but you suddenly seethe and hate them if you find out there are on the opposite political side... what does that say about you? That you went from being ok with this person to hating or fearing them, just because you found out they are different from you?