God Knew

And you might say "Yeah, so what? Aaron messed up. What's your point?" My point is...

God Knew

Now if that title got your attention, I am glad. It's a wild topic actually. The topic of

God Knew

I was reading through the Exodus story again and something new jumped out to me. It was during the part of the story after Egypt, where Moses and the Israelites are at Mount Sinai.

It was here that The Lord told Moses that Aaron and his sons would be high priests. And then immediately following that... Aaron made a new god, from gold. He made the golden calf...

You might be familiar with the story. Or you might not be. It's not super important that you are familiar with it. Because everything you need to know is already right there.

Go back and look at those events:

  1. God tells Moses that Aaron will be high priests
  2. Aaron makes a false god to worship instead of The Lord

And you might say "Yeah, so what? Aaron messed up. What's your point?"

My point is

God Knew

God knew, when He was speaking that Aaron was about to make a false god of gold. God knew in advance that Aaron would mess up, big time. But God still chose Aaron to be high priest.

Think about that. God knew, and still chose Aaron.

Why is that?

It's because The Lord also knew who Aaron would later become, after having made the mistake of the golden calf. The Lord chose him "today" (that day) because He knew that Aaron's life going forward would improve, change, evolve, grow, mature, heal, break, and heal again. And ultimately Aaron would follow God.

God knew that Aaron had to make the mistake, to learn.

God Knew, and still chose Aaron

Which means

God Plays Chess Backwards

He already knows the mistakes you’ll make. That doesn’t change the future, the calling he already shown you.

God Knew, and He still chose you.

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Twitter: God Plays Chess Backwards


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