Doing Nothing

For things to improve you usually have to do something. And it’s usually the something you are avoiding most...

Doing Nothing

It's interesting that sometimes movement is the thing that makes muscles issues better. Despite the general idea of "if it hurts, don't use it"

For examples I have seen someone moving and stretching, and it reduced their back pain. Now you would think the opposite would have happened. But reality was different.

Often times people have issues and doctors take the "general" route. The "standard diagnosis" route. And they will tell you to take it easy for example.

But doing nothing usually doesn’t make anything better

For things to improve you usually have to do something. And it’s usually the something you are avoiding most...

Here's things that don't get better by doing nothing:

  • Your problems don’t get better
  • Your bills don’t get paid
  • Your todo list doesn’t get shorter
  • Your car doesn’t run better
  • Your abusive relationship isn’t going to stop being abusive (hint it’s not you, it’s them)
  • Your business won’t get off the ground
  • You kids won’t get healthier or happier
  • That relationship won’t heal
  • That skill won’t learn itself

The list goes on and on.

We see in the news all the time that sedentary lifestyles will actually lead to an earlier death.

Now the problem is people will hear that, and largely recognize the truth in that. But they won't think past the thought. They won't think "so if being sedentary is toxic... then what's the opposite of that? What should I be doing?"

Think about it.

What should you be doing?

Disclaimer: The image at the top is not drawn by me. It is an AI generated image using Grok on

Side note. Fun with AI image generation. These are some other images I got from Grok as I was trying to find one for this post.

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