Choosing What to Follow

As I continue on a journey of trying to both get focused and organized I am learning some odd lessons.

What an I following?

Meaning, what am I spending time reading or listening to? How does it relates to my goals and achieving them? Am I following 30 news sources, yet I'm not actually headed towards the news? Why is that?

There's nothing wrong with following the news, right? Turns out the answer is not simple...

Being aware of the news is indeed important if I want to be a responsible citizen. But do I need to be reading it 15 times throughout the day for my dreams and aspirations? Do I need to spend an hour or more each day combing through the headlines for me to achieve my purpose? That time could be reduced, allowing me more time to do the things I'm both passionate about and will prosper me.

The problem is I enjoy reading the news. I find it interesting and stimulating. And there in lies the truth of the struggle. I enjoy it, but it's not helping me grow. It's not helping me get to the places I want to get to. It's entertainment, it's a hobby, it's a time sink.

So now I have to take some time and weed out more and more news from my Twitter feed. Pairing it down more and more every day. There are so many other voices and sources I can and should be listening to. Artists, leaders, businesses, musicians, and people of faith.

So the questions I have for you are these...

Where are you heading? Where are you wanting to be? And what are you spending your time on? Do they line up and compliment each other, or is one just a enjoyable pursuit that is keeping you from your purpose and your passion...?