California Leads the Country... Towards Irony?

Now hear me out, don't just close out of this prematurely. Hear me out.

I think it was Gavin Newsom, who said that "California leads the country".

Perhaps we should believe him? But not for the reasons you might think.

First, let's state the obvious. California is becoming an apocalyptic hellscape. And saying that isn't even being dramatic. That's what Gavin Newsom is driving California to be. Because he apparently lusts for that destruction and violence. Since he sees what's happening and continues to crack his whip and drive California harder into drugs, rape, pedophilia, and homelessness.

Now you might react to me saying that and think "How can you say that!?".

Well... look at the rate of people moving out of California. It has to be that bad in order for people to leave the prosperity and near perfect weather of California.

But here's where I see things differently.

California is leading people to conservatism. Because he's driving people away from liberalism through his policies and his actions. And there is the irony!

What is California doing you ask?

California is leading the country, in destroying itself.
California is leading the country, in pushing people away from liberalism.
California is literally pushing people from left to right, because what other options do they have?

If liberalism means more hellscape, who in their right mind would be a liberal in 2024?

If liberalism means more drugs, more 💩 literally covering their streets, who would choose to be a liberal in 2024?

If liberalism means letting rapists free to rape more women, every sane person shifts towards conservative. Because you have to be a monster to support rapists over women like Gavin Newsom and his political friends do when they let all the rapists go free.

Now I can go on and on down this topic. But in the end nothing I can say matters nearly as much as the simple fact that liberalism is destroying California and people are fleeing at a constant rate.

Actions matter.
Words are cheap.
Follow people's actions, not their words.

Gavin Newsom says flowery speeches, but let's rapists out of jail. I believe his actions. Californians are fleeing the state at rates not seen before. I believe their actions. And the majority of fleeing Californians are fleeing to Conservative red states. Why is that? Because they realize the truth.

Conservatives are for freedom, protecting women and children, family values, security and liberty for all.
Liberals are no longer for any of those things, based on their actions.