Bring Back Names That Mean Something
does your name having meaning give you more meaning and purpose in life than if your name is just a series of letters...

Ages ago in most cultures and civilizations people's names had a meaning. For example from the Biblical side the name “Samuel” meant “heard by god”. And throughout history names meant something, described the person or the parents will for the child's future or future personality.
Somewhere along the way our American culture, either before 1776 or after, we lost valuing that. Somewhere we stopped valuing meaning behind names and seemingly either just chose names that "we liked" or "were popular".
I have to wonder, does your name having meaning give you more meaning and purpose in life than if your name is just a series of letters that will be carved on your tombstone someday?
If our names and our children's names had meaning, would it consciously or subconsciously help guide them? Give them purpose? or perhaps at least give them a cornerstone of a sense of meaning for their life on planet earth?
Have we stolen a good measure of meaning from people by robbing them of their names having meaning?
It's an interesting question to say the least...