Ambition vs. Wanting

I have to admit it. I spent almost my entire life to date wanting things. But just wanting something is just a hope and a dream. It’s not the same as ambition.
Wanting is craving or needing something or something to happen but we’re sitting back and waiting for someone else to do the work. Whether that’s a person or The Lord it doesn’t matter. We’re wanting but our actions are… waiting.
Where as Ambition is something different. Ambition is putting gas in the car, getting in and pushing the petal to the floor. Ambition is fuel, it’s power, it’s a blazing fire that lights up the sky and your life. It’s not a sparkler being waved back and worth in the night.
While it’s tragic that I suppressed my ambition most of my life by opting to sit and want a better life. My future is not a repeat of that same tragedy. It’s full speed ahead from now till The Lord calls me home.
I used to say quite frequently “You can’t stop me. You can only slow me down.” Now it’s different. Now is my season of life where I will achieve all the great things I am called to. And I don’t feel bad about it one bit. It feels good to be ambitious and let that ambition power me.
If you’re called to an ambitious thing then embrace it. Pour gas on it. Let the crackle of the flames of your ambition be heard near and far. It is after all what you’re called to.
To pour water on that ambition, that The Lord has put in your heart, might just be sin…