All information Impacts You

Let me start with I don’t care about people saying this or that media is satanic, co-opted, bought out, etc.

That’s actually irrelevant. Because what you watch changes your brain.

It doesn’t matter what it is. Good or bad. Entertainment or education. Everything you bring into your brain through your eyes and ears changes you.

  • It WILL make you smarter or dumber.
  • It WILL make you fearful or courageous.
  • It WILL make you more sensitive or hateful.
  • It WILL make you angry or fill you with hope.

So take a step back in the middle of your media and ask yourself:

How is this making me feel?

If it's making you hopeful, is that a good thing? Is what they are saying actually true and hope inspiring? Or is it silver tongued devils trying to persuade you to ignore reality before your eyes?

If it's making you angry, is that a good thing? Is what is happening worth making you angry or is the media just pushing your buttons? Or maybe it's a legitmate horrible problem that everyone should be mad at!

Seriously, take a moment while you are watching a movie, reading the news, surfing the web of media and ask yourself:

How is this making me feel?


Don't stop there. It's after you answer that question that you have to ask another question:

Is what I am seeing actually real?

If you cannot ask yourself that question... then things are far worse for you than you might realize. Because with zero skepticism, and complete blind trust in companies giving you the truth you are easy to deceive because you will outright refuse to believe you are being controlled through information.

Did you see these other posts from the week?

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